Cloud Migration with Azure,
We has brought various companies from no data competencies to databases and dashboards in the cloud, providing the opportunity to take advantage of Machine Learning to improve the business.
Future-proof your data
If your organization is using on-premise software (on-prem), we can help migrate it to a cloud-native environment. We use state-of-the-art tools to “size” applications or services to accurately estimate the cost & effort to transition to the cloud. We aim to reduce running costs, and enable your organization to scale up to demand, and adapt to changing market conditions. We can:
Assess cloud migration for your organization (cost & effort)
Optimize application architecture for the cloud
Typically, we work with the major cloud providers such as
Microsoft Azure
Amazon Web Services
Google Cloud Platform
We adapt the cloud solution which will be suit your requirements and future growth , furthermore we do not receive any commission for choosing the cloud platform provider, as it is important that our recommendations are based on problem solving.
Some of the benefits:
Scalable infrastructure
On demand capacity
No capex investments
No depreciation
Cost effective
Supports most used technologies
Built-in tools for Machine Learning
Easy access to your data anywhere
High security requirements
GDPR compliant